The True about Crowdfunding : The 12 Common Misconception

The True about Crowdfunding : The 12 Common Misconception

Raising money for a new business venture can be a daunting task, but increasingly, entrepreneurs are turning to alternative sources to fund their ideas and crowdfunding for business has become a popular choice. Through this, entrepreneurs are able to raise substantial capital from those among the general public who believe in their ideas and are willing to support them in achieving their goals.

Crowdfunding can seem straightforward, but there are actually many things that may cause the campaign to fail. While it’s true that many businesses have been able to raise funds through crowdfunding, it should be noted that not every crowdfunding project turns into a success. This article will break down some of the most common mistakes startups make when crowdfunding. 

1. Crowdfunding is easy

There are a lot of people out there who want the same money you want and are working hard to get it. Without careful planning and strong execution, it is hard to convince people to invest in you, or even to get them to notice that you exist. 

A big part of this misunderstanding stems from a particular dynamic in crowdfunding where success is loud and failure is quiet. Therefore, it is easy to fall into a false sense of security. If everyone is succeeding, how hard could it be? How much work or preparation do you need to put it? Why not just throw your idea online, and wait for it to succeed? Only careful planning and a solid plan will set you up for success.

2. Expecting it to be automatic

The job of an issuer is always to get out there and find your potential funder or investor or donor. Not to wait around for them to find you. Where does an investor come from? They come via direct links, distributed through twitter, facebook, email, flyers, blog post, news articles, and more. This is why marketing is important for your campaign to succeed. 

The key is not to think of the crowdfunding platform as being the source of your supporters, but the tools you are using to share your story and process contributions. Distribution is still your job. 

Don’t sit back and expect everyone to just show up to your party! You need to get out there and promote!

3. Goals Setting Mistake

Before you begin crowdfunding for your campaign, you need to set an achievable goal. You should have a total fundraising goal, a timeline, a budget, and a range of other yardsticks for gauging the success of your campaign.

4. Inadequate of Research

This is not about how much though you have put into your business idea but how much you know about how to crowdfund properly. There are certain rules and regulations you need to follow in order to make your campaign successful, so you should make sure you do your research and make sure you are adequately prepared for this.

5. Lack of social proof to boost result

The first thing you need to do when thinking about how to crowdfund an idea is to make sure you can prove your idea to potential investors. If someone is going to put their money behind your idea, they want to see proof that you are actively working on it.

6. Everyone is my investors

Not everyone will be interested in every idea, so you need to make sure you define your target audience and work out how to appeal to them. Assumptions are dangerous, so be sure to learn about who your audience is.

You need to create your community of supporters by caring about who they are, by focusing your efforts to share your stories with those most likely to care, and by telling a story that inspires them to come along on the journey with you.

There is no single story that inspired everyone, so the core challenge of crowdfunding is targeting challenges. Telling your story to the right people who are most likely to support you.

7. Insufficient Marketing Material

Many crowdfunders make the mistake of not having high quality marketing materials available. You should have detailed, catchy collateral available as both print and web content so that you can spread the word about your great idea.

8. Community Management

This is another mistake that affected the success of a crowdfunding campaign, even those that are carried out on the best crowdfunding sites. You should maintain consistent communication with your backers throughout the process, especially if you know things will go wrong (such as production delays). This will boost trust in your product and brand, and ensure that your backers stay patient.

9. Importance of Digital Marketing Channel

Given that hundreds of crowdfunding campaigns are launched every week, it is essential that yours stand out. The best way to do this is to promote your campaign through all the available digital marketing channels, including websites, blogs, emails, and social media platforms.

10. Simple Web Page Design

Great crowdfunding pages grab attention, create engagement and encourage action. Appeal to the emotional desires of your backers while showcasing your design functionality skills to close the deal. With only seconds to capture backer interest, dynamic headlines and great video can set the tone.

11. Gathering feedback

Many issuers fall in love with their own idea without gathering feedback. Don’t forget that your backers are as invested in your success as you are. That’s why if they provide any feedback, you should listen to them, not only will this help ensure your campaign’s success, but it could help you build a better product and brand. Remember that It will become difficult to modify your campaign once launched.

12. Short of Early Supporter

Your campaign is not going to go anywhere if it doesn’t see some initial funding. Make sure your campaign gets off on the right foot. Gather your community or friends and family during pre-launch to get ready the initial sum of funds for your crowdfunding project. Once people see that it’s gaining traction, they’re more likely to put their own money behind your project.

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Crowdfunding for business had become a viable option and many had taken off by raising capital through this method. In order to make your campaign success, you should learn from others’ mistakes and avoid falling into the traps that failed campaigns have succumbed to.

STO Advisory has a lot of crowdfunding experience. If you are looking to create a successful crowdfunding campaign on any platform, consult us to help you out!

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